• Creative games

Rainy day? Stuck at home and the kids are bored stiff? Try them with one of these ideas. Fun for free!


Draw, model and paint (age 2 and over).

Can kids play with food? They can in this game. You’ll need:

  • 100 g table salt
  • 100 g flour
  • 2 glasses water
  • 1 rolling pin
  • Lots of imagination

Mix all the ingredients with the water and make dough. Knead until soft and roll out. Make fun shapes and figures. Try making a snail or a mouse! Bake to dry in a cool oven. 

But that’s not the end of the game. Paint the figures with natural ingredients, such as saffron, water from cooking beetroot or spinach, or a spoonful of cocoa! What a fun afternoon!



Let the show begin! (age 4 and over)

Do your kids like puppet shows? Arnidol® shows you how to make characters and put on a show. And all you need are a few clothes pegs. Brilliant, eh?

Ingredients for curtain up:

  • Clothes pegs (preferably wooden)
  • Sheets of card
  • Non-toxic glue
  • Round point scissors
  • And a great story to tell! 

For the characters, cut ‘accessories’ from the card: a rooster’s crest or a crocodile’s open mouth, for instance. Glue onto the end of the peg. To make a butterfly, stick it to the outside of the peg.
You can make as many figures as your child can imagine. Simple! Let the show begin!


Gone fishin’! (age 3 and over)

Kids love games in which you pick things up with anything to hand. How about a fishing game?

Every fisherman needs a rod, so you’ll need:

  • An old feather duster handle
  • A shoelace
  • A small magnet
  • Aluminium foil
  • A small metal object (key, coin, etc.)
  • And a fisherman’s patience! 

What do we do with all this? It’s best you do this, it may be difficult for a child.

  1. Tie the shoelace to the magnet and attach it to the duster handle (remove the duster first).
  2. To make ‘fish’, cut out pieces of foil and cover the metal objects with it.
  3. Make fish, starfish and octopus shapes.

Start fishing!


Rainstick (age 6 and over)

Originating from South America, this musical instrument reproduces the sound of rain falling and will sooth the kids. Who doesn’t like the sound of rain falling?


  • 5 toilet paper tubes
  • Sticky tape
  • Small nails 
  • Glue and scissors
  • Card
  • Coloured paper
  • Rice 


Got everything? Then let’s start!

  1. First tape the toilet paper tubes together with nice firm joins.
  2. Push nails through the tube at roughly 2 centimetre intervals, so that they cross inside. Tape over them outside so that they don’t come out. 
  3. Cut circles out of card to cover the ends of the tube. First cover one end, fill the tube with rice, then cover the other end. 
  4. Finally, decorate your rainstick. You can use paper, fabric or paint. The more brightly coloured the prettier and more original.

Done! Now listen and relax… 



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  • marzo 12th, 2018 |
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