- junio 20th, 2013 |
Children are naturally curious. They look at everything, climb everywhere… and often slip and fall. Lucky for them they’ve got you, always with an Arnidol® gel stick in your bag, the good fairy who magics away the pain. Do you want to know all the properties of this magic wand?
The powers of Arnidol® gel stick
Arnidol® gel stick is ‘magic’ because it contains arnica and devil’s claw, two natural ingredients that soothe, smooth the skin and provide a feeling of wellbeing.
Arnica is a plant found in central and southern Europe. It reaches a height of 15 to 60 cm, has oval leaves and yellow flowers, the part that has the soothing and smoothing effect on skin.
Devil’s claw is native to South Africa and grows in the region of the Kalahari desert where water is present. It has opposing leaves and tubular flowers in bright red and purple. Its fruit is a woody capsule with spines ending in a crown of hooks. The most important part of the plant is the root, which relieves pain and provides a feeling of wellbeing.
Your children are growing up and you can’t always be there to stop them from falling. But don’t worry, you have an ally in Arnidol® gel stick (LINK A LA SECCIÓN ‘Tu Arnidol’/ ‘Tu varita mágica’). Always have it to hand, it’s no bigger than a lipstick! Pop one in your bag, give one to the babysitter, leave one at grandma’s house, with the sports coach, the teacher… Knocks and bruises are just part of being a kid.
If the blow is serious, take the child to the doctor. But for light knocks, use Arnidol® gel stick, gently rubbing in circles over the affected area. You can apply it as often as necessary, but do not use on broken skin, avoid contact with the eyes and don’t let children put it in their mouths.
That way sports and fun won’t leave their mark!