• Camping with the kids

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Going camping with kids might sound like a nightmare, but it needn’t be. However, you do need to plan well to avoid any problems that may arise and be prepared in case anything happens. Tip: follow Arnidol®’s advice, because camping with children isn’t something you should do on the spur of the moment: 



  1. Choose a campsite that meets your family’s needs. They are available according to category and price, but some have play areas, kids’ entertainment, access to a beach or river and even cabins to rent if tents aren’t your thing. If you’re with a very young child, give some thought to logistics: campsites at least have facilities and essential services (showers, WC) that other options, like pitching your tent in the few wild camping areas left in Spain, don’t provide.
    What can I do if my child is afraid of the dark? Have a try-out first and spend a night in the garden or at a relative’s or friend’s. That will tell you whether your child is ready to sleep outdoors, what sort of reaction you can expect if she isn’t and you’ll have time to think of a way to get around it.  
  2. On a campsite you can sleep in a camper van or a tent. If you opt for a tent, make sure it’s good quality and large so there’s plenty of room for the little one plus a few toys. If your child is very young, it’s best if she sleeps with you. Important: if you take an inflatable mattress to sleep on, make sure it’s comfortable and that it supports the weight of everyone sleeping on it equally.
  3. Don’t take too much luggage; you’ll be more comfortable in the car and you won’t lose things. If the campsite doesn’t provide them, you’ll need a camping stove and a portable fridge. Also folding chairs, a table, lanterns and torches and inflatable mattresses.
    What if my child wants to take all of her toys? Try to help her see that you won’t have much room, and that she too has to help make the trip as comfortable as possible by taking only a few things. But don’t forget the main thing: games to play outdoors! A football and a couple of bats will keep them occupied most of the time. In any case, they’re bound to be fascinated by nature and end up keeping themselves entertained!
  4. If you can, it is a good idea to visit the campsite before you take the kids, so you can see whether it’s safe, authorised and has mobile phone coverage.
  5. Bad weather is camping’s worst enemy. Check whether it’s rained in the few days before your trip, as the ground will be muddy or full of puddles.
  6. Take the right clothes and gear for the area and time of year. If you’re heading for the mountains, you’ll need a warm waterproof coat. And footwear too, such as proper mountain boots, or sandals if you’re heading for the coast. The kids are freezing? Good job you brought layers of clothes that they can put on or take off as necessary. But wherever you’re going, take hats with you to keep out the cold or the sun, sunglasses and sunscreen.
  7. Don’t forget biodegradable insect repellent so the kids don’t get bitten. Remember the best protection comes from clothes: wear long sleeves, especially around dawn and dusk. If your kids tend to get bitten a lot or are allergic, take a mosquito net to cover them while they’re asleep. And always have cream with you in case they get bitten despite your precautions.
  8. Once you get to the campsite, help the kids get their bearings and teach to them how to find their way using landmarks such as tall trees or rocks. That way, if they get lost, they’ll be able to find their way back to your pitch.
  9. Teach your children to take care of the environment and also to respect it. They mustn’t dig about in holes because there may be spiders or snakes, but show them the plants and animals around about, those they can touch and those they can’t. They’ll have a great time picking blackberries! But make sure you know what you’re doing, and if you eat something you picked in the wild, wash it well first.
  10. Show them the boundaries of the campsite and the dangers of going beyond them, and give them a torch with new batteries.
  11. Teach them that you don’t make fires or barbecues outside the designated areas; that fire is dangerous in the wild and carelessness causes serious damage.
  12. If you’re travelling with a baby or toddler, take a baby monitor with you. That means you can be outside the tent while she sleeps inside. 


And now…time to enjoy yourself. Go for walks, sleep under the stars, play together in the open air… Have experiences together. They grow up so fast.



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